Deutsch Čeština

About us

We are a prominent central Europe manufacturer of the CHP units, microgeneration units and trigeneration units for natural gas, biogas and other fuels. The company’s management, development center, and production are located in Brno, an important Czech center of science, research and innovative technologies. In the development and production of CHP units, we emphasise reliability, flexibility, and functionality of design. Fair dealing and a partnership approach are equally important to us.


We consult with our customers on their plans and carefully prepare the optimal technical design for the installation of CHP units. We are also constantly developing our after-sales services and improving the quality of our service and dispatching. We believe that this is how we can achieve satisfied customers and partners.


The Gentec Journey

The CHP Unit division is established as part of Karla spol. s r.o. We enter into a partnership with engine manufacturer MAN.

We carry out our first projects in which, aside from CHP units, we deliver entire turnkey projects.

We implement the first projects with MTU engines.

Our installation project of a 999 kWe CHP unit for Sedlecký Kaolin a.s. wins the Business Project of the Year Award from Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Energy Savings category.

GENTEC CHP s.r.o. is established, and the CHP Unit Division is transferred there.

We deliver turnkey projects with CHP units for leading energy companies, such as Innogy Energo s.r.o.

We enter into a long-term partnership with Innogy Energo s.r.o. for CHP unit deliveries.

We successfully enter another European market - Great Britain.

We enter into a partnership with Veolia a.s. for long-term CHP unit deliveries.

We supply CHP units to nine European markets and we prepare for further expansion.

We develop hydrogen-fuelled CHP units, the AI-based CHP unit control system and large CHP units above 10 MWe.


Innovation and Development

We place the utmost importance on innovation and the continuous improvement of our products and services. We have completed complex projects with SCR, we can burn dual fuel, and we can handle trigeneration. We are developing hydrogen-based CHP units and we are involved in the development of a CHP unit control system which makes use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The following are the three main lines of development we are investing in and which we believe are linked to the future of the power engineering industry.

Innovation and Development
Large-Scale Cogeneration

Large-Scale Cogeneration

CHP units with an output between 3 MWe and 10 MWe will provide stability and flexibility to the grid in the future. We want to be there.



This fuel will be an integral part of the future of power engineering. Our CHP units will burn this fuel. We are among the first to invest in its development.

More information
AI and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence will be part of the control systems of our CHP units and this will, among other things, facilitate the process of aggregating the CHP units into the virtual power plants.


Where We Operate

We deliver our CHP units to the markets below:

  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Poland
  • Austria
  • Italy
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Bulgaria
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Ukraine
  • United States
  • Canada
About us

Research and Innovation

Project CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026387, “Development of an innovative cogeneration unit burning gases with an admixture of hydrogen” is co-financed by the European Union within the Applications programme in the framework of the Operating Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.

The purpose of this project is R&D activities leading up to the production of a prototype for an innovative CGU that will burn natural gas or biogas with a hydrogen admixture of up to 20%. Due to the physical properties of hydrogen, particular emphasis shall be placed on the safety and reliability of the cogeneration unit. Hydrogen is part of the upcoming generation of fuels that can be used for the transformation of the energy sector: it can be advantageously derived from renewables, and when it is burned in a CGU, this is an environmentally friendly technology in terms of its LCA, and it can be used within a decentralised energy system.

This project is subsidised on the basis of the subsidy grant decision ref. No. MPO 10905/22/61200/75, and it is being worked on in cooperation with VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. This project’s implementation period is 7/2021 through 5/2023.



Certificate ISO


Collaborate With Us

We will be happy to work with you on your projects.