Project CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/21_374/0026387, “Development of an innovative cogeneration unit burning gases with an admixture of hydrogen” is co-financed by the European Union within the Applications programme in the framework of the Operating Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.
The purpose of this project is R&D activities leading up to the production of a prototype for an innovative CGU that will burn natural gas or biogas with a hydrogen admixture of up to 20%. Due to the physical properties of hydrogen, particular emphasis shall be placed on the safety and reliability of the cogeneration unit. Hydrogen is part of the upcoming generation of fuels that can be used for the transformation of the energy sector: it can be advantageously derived from renewables, and when it is burned in a CGU, this is an environmentally friendly technology in terms of its LCA, and it can be used within a decentralised energy system.
This project is subsidised on the basis of the subsidy grant decision ref. No. MPO 10905/22/61200/75, and it is being worked on in cooperation with VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. This project’s implementation period is 7/2021 through 5/2023.