Deutsch Čeština

CHP unit in Central Heating System Roztoky u Prahy

The KE-MTUNG CHP unit meets very strict noise and emission limits.

In the autumn of 2020, as the general contractor, we completed and handed over a new 850kWe KE-MTUNG 850 CHP unit to our major customer, KOMTERM, a.s., which operates a boiler house in Roztoky u Prahy. The boiler house is located in a quiet residential area with terraced and family houses. Obviously, there were high requirements for noise attenuation, which we managed to meet. The noise reduction measures included extensive structural modifications. A new separate machine room was created for the CHP unit in the existing boiler house. The CHP unit is cascaded with the existing boilers into two storage tanks with a total volume of approximately 80m3. Authorised emission and noise measurements have confirmed that the GENTEC CHP units meet even the most stringent current emission limits.