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CHS Conference New energetics


1 min reading

The role of the combined production of heat and power in the new power engineering industry will be one of the main topics of the Energetika 2021 Conference. GENTEC will be there.

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    The role of the combined production of heat and power in the new power engineering industry will be one of the main topics of the Energetika 2021 Conference. Gentec will be there.

    We would like to invite you to the Energetika 2021 Conference, which is organized annually by EGÚ Brno, a.s. and is one of the most important events of its kind in the Czech Republic. This year, there will be a lot to talk about – the power engineering industry is undergoing unprecedented changes, which will influence the direction of the industry in the oncoming decades. We will hold a presentation on THE BENEFITS OF COGENERATION IN THE NEW POWER ENGINEERING.

    Each topic will be more interesting than the last:

    • Will the importance of corporate power engineering grow?
    • How will the Czech heating plant industry change?
    • How will energy transmission and distribution change?
    • Small, medium, and new power engineering

    Conference date

    Date and venue:

    22nd and 23rd September 2021 Hotel Passage, Lidická 23, 602 00, Brno