Deutsch Čeština

BiFuel CHP unit WTT Gmünd, AT

Dual gas CHP unit GENTEC is capable to switch between fuels when the CHP unit is running, both in the parallel operation with the grid and in the island mode where the CHP unit only feeds the building’s own consumption.

GENTEC CHP s.r.o. presents a new model of the KE-MDG CHP units which is capable of burning two types of gases. The standard combination is biogas and natural gas.

Another innovative feature of this model is the ability to switch between the two fuels during operation of the CHP unit. Switching between fuels is also possible when the CHP unit is running, both in the parallel operation with the grid and in the island mode where the CHP unit only feeds the building’s own consumption. The changeover between fuels takes up to 3 minutes and, depending on the quality of the biogas, this time can be reduced to half.

This solution is very suitable for the use in biogas plants and wastewater treatment plants. Here, the backup is often required in the event of a grid failure. In the event of an outage, the CHP unit starts up on natural gas the supply of which is not dependent on the mains supply. The CHP unit then starts to supply the equipment necessary for the biogas supply. The fuel switchover is then performed.

The customer’s requirement was to keep the CHP unit running on natural gas and biogas at the same time. Switching between the two fuels is possible while the CHP unit is in operation. At the same time, the CHP unit was to allow the island mode operation as requested by the customer.

Biogas is burned in the CHP unit as standard. In the event of a power grid failure, the blowers that supply the biogas to be combusted the CHP unit would normally also fail. The operation of the CHP unit would therefore be interrupted.

In the event that the power supply from the distribution network fails, our solution allows the CHP unit to start up on natural gas, and moreover in the island mode (without the power supply from the distribution network). Once the blowers ensuring the biogas supply to the CHP unit are operational, it is possible to change the fuel during the CHP unit operation – from the natural gas to the biogas.

The above solution was implemented by our company including all the connections to the existing piping and wiring of the customer. All the work related to the installation, commissioning and testing of the CHP unit was carried out in a very short period of time – in 2 weeks.