Deutsch Čeština


We provide service not only for our CHP units. We provide renewal, overhauls and replacements of CHP units from various manufacturers.

We don’t just provide service for our own CHP units. We provide renewal, overhauls, and replacements of CHP units from various manufacturers. We offer servicing and renewal of CHP units for biogas plants and natural gas installations.

Our most frequent customers are biogas plants that are currently dealing with the need to renew, refurbish, or replace their original CHP units or engines. This is done by visiting the site, measuring everything in the installation space, and preparing the project and bid. Implementation takes place by disconnecting the CHP unit or engine over a few days and transporting it to our factory in Brno. There, we completely renew the CHP unit or engine to meet the customer’s specifications, then ship it back to the installation site within 1-3 weeks. Wiring and commissioning is then a matter of a few days.

If you are interested in renewing your CHP unit or if you just want to discuss your plans and consult on the CHP unit renewal and overhaul with specialised experts, feel free to contact us.